The whole mix is great and deliberately sentimental. Out of the many favorites are these two Motown tunes from 1970 (Stevie) and 1971 (Smokey) that are both unmistakably Stevie and Smokey, respectively, but also kina uncharacteristic of both of their styles.
This Stevie song rules! Those drums are so huge - I wonder if he played them. And that hook. The song is nothing BUT hook. Hearing it for the first time I immediately knew it was Stevie, but also I was also bewildered that I had never heard it before. The title is perfect as it's about the sweetest bit of pop confection that Stevie ever laid to wax.

I think my brother, Charlie, might have tipped me off to this one. Once again William Robinson is a genius with lyrics, telling the audience about this "thing" that he's crazy about without ever saying what it is, just "la la la." The way he sings you get the impression that the "la la la" might be something that the conservative Motown execs (himself being VP at this time, I think) wouldn't want uttered on the pop charts. Knowing Smokey's predilection for women and illict substances, it really could be either, or maybe he's talking about "toast and jam."
thanks! will the tracks on some of the older posts be available once you get set up?
thanks! will the tracks on some of the older posts be available once you get set up?
Hi Robert,
Sorry, the older songs are gone as keeping them downloadable is not free. If there are just one or two you'd like to hear, email me at allenthayer at gmail.com and I'll see what I can do.
Don't worry, there are lots of other relationship themes to explore for ipod compilations! It all depends on the stage of the relationship.
See for a nice example: "Baby corners, Hush" at
And thanks for these songs!
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