I've been a bit negligent as of late on the ole blog, but I'm gonna try and make up for it in the next couple of days with a slew of posts. I'll keep this one short and to the point. Disco-Funk, Funky-Disco . . . whatever you wanna call it, Alton McClain & Destiny serve it up real nice from this 1979 album. I never knew much about this vocal group with a clunky name and browsing the
web there's not much out there on the band. Their records are not too common, so grab one if you see it. I noticed that the newest
Wax Poetics has a Re:Discovered about the groups' third album, "Gonna Tell the World." I've only heard this first one of theirs. Here are a couple songs I like from the album.
Alton McClain & Destiny - It Must Be LoveThis tune has got more than a little in common with
The Emotion's "Best of My Love" from around the same time. But then it also stands on its own as a great slice of dancefloor pop.
Alton McClain & Destiny - Push and PullThis one is more on the funk tip. Whoever did production and led the band on this one did I great job. It's a bit gritty while also being super smooth.
Morgan asked if the picture of Animal was taken from Diana Ross' appearance on the Muppet show. I don't think it is. I know Sesame Street had a disco album "Sesame Street Fever" and his Travolta look could have been from that . . . Check out Diana Ross and the muppets
Is that image from the Diana Ross performance of "Love Hangover" on the muppet show?
Seen it?
Actually, never mind
Great music guys thank you...but i can only listen ...I click on song title and it only lets me listen not download...am i doing something wrong ?
you're right. I guess hipcast changed how that works. You have to right click on the song title and choose "save as" and then import it into itunes or whatever. hope that works for you. - allen
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