You can download the whole mix at 320 kbps here.
1. Baby - Quinteto Ternura
2. Vida Antiga - Erasmo Carlos
3. Gostava Tanto de Voce - Tim Maia
4. Primavera - Trio Esperanca
5. O Vale - Cassiano
6. Nem Quero, Nem Saber - Claudia (cover of English song "I Don't Care" by Tim Maia)
7. Salve Linda Cancao Sem Esperanca - Luiz Melodia
8. Shadows Dark and Blue - Terry Winter
9. California Soul - Tamba 4 (promo only)
10. Sentimento - Tim Maia (his first single from '68)
11. Viu, Menina - Tony e Frankye
12. Estrela D'Alva - Socrates
13. Na Rua, Na Chuva, Na Fazenda - Golden Boys
14. Como? - Paulo Diniz
15. Depois Da Queda (Tema De Flor) - Roberto Menescal (edit)
16. Baby de Tal - Ronnie Von
17. Azul da Cor do Mar - Tim Maia
18. Quando Vejo o Sol - Os Incriveis
19. As Dores do Mundo - Hyldon
20. Feel Like Making Love - Anna Mazotti
21. Just For You - Gerson King Combo
22. Linha do Horizonte - Azimuth
So lovely. Thank you for sharing.
Hola, New Years greetings from Espana. I wanted to thank you for your informative blog and the hard work you must put in. I don't leave as many comments as I should, buzzing around blog land and all over the web, but I want to take this opportunity to thank you.
I also wanted to inform you that I put to your blog on my blog watch 'Information Inspiration'. It's really a big personal blog roll, but I'm sure some music fans will find it useful; http://information-inspiration1.blogspot.com
Today I launched a new blog 'Rhythm And Groove' which you may want to check out when you have the time; http://rhythmandgroove.blogspot.com/
Una mas, muchas gracias para todo... and wishing you a prosperous 2011.
@Ambassador: I've been updating the Digital Meltd0wn Blogroll/Aggregator. I see that you haven't posted in a while, and I normally remove blogs which haven't updated in more than six months. I was hoping you would be able to tell me if you plan to continue updating this blog, or if you are calling it quits. I hope that you are doing well, and that you haven't encountered some problem which has prevented you from posting. If it isn't too much trouble, could you please leave a comment on either one of my blogs (links below) to let me know? Thank you and take care.
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